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Ways to Help the Poor and Needy

Help Poor and Needy People Helping poor and needy people is vital to strengthen the whole society. We raise the entire community as we provide support and a helping hand to those less fortunate than us. Helping them lead a better life for themselves and their community later on in life. Helping the poor and […]


How Long Has Yemen Been in Poverty

Poverty Rate in Yemen Yemen is the second poorest country in the Middle East and North Africa region. The poverty rate in Yemen is one of the highest in the world. The United Nations Development Program estimates that (55%) of Yemen’s population lives below the poverty line, and (18.4%) lives in extreme poverty. Poverty rates […]


Health Sector Situation North-West Syria

Health Situation in Syria The devastation of the ongoing conflict has led to a health crisis in North-West Syria. The people of this region have seen many of their hospitals, clinics, schools, and other vital public services destroyed or occupied. They also face a serious shortage of doctors, nurses, and other medical staff. Suffering from […]


Famine in Yemen: A Humanitarian Crisis on the Brink of Catastrophe

Yemen, a nation at the southern edge of the Arabian Peninsula, is gripped by one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. A devastating famine, worsened by years of conflict and economic collapse, has left millions on the brink of starvation. The Scale of Suffering Causes: War, Blockade, and Poverty The Yemeni Civil War The primary […]


Food Security and Livelihoods

In a world marked by both abundance and scarcity, the twin challenges of food security and livelihoods weave a complex tapestry that affects billions of lives globally. As communities grapple with the intricate dance between climate change, economic disparities, and geopolitical tensions, the quest for a secure and sustainable food supply becomes inseparable from the […]
