Food Security and Agriculture

Food Security and Agriculture Program Goal

To maintain food security and support the agriculture sector in crisis-affected regions, Bonyan has launched its Food Security and Agriculture (FSA) Program. This program focuses on emergency response and sustainable activities to address immediate needs while building long-term resilience.

Main objectives

  1. Ensure Minimum Food Consumption: Provide life-saving and life-sustaining food assistance to meet essential nutritional needs.
  2. Promote Self-Reliance: Support affected households by protecting and building productive assets, and restoring or creating income-generating opportunities to help them save and sustain their livelihoods.

List of Food Security and Agriculture activities conducted

Sustain Minimum Food Consumption Needs

  • Distribution of ready-to-eat (RTE) meals to newly displaced individuals.
  • Provision of meat portions during significant festivals.
  • Distribution of food kits.
  • Rehabilitation and establishment of food security facilities and furnaces.
  • Supply of flour to bakeries.
  • Distribution of bread to the most vulnerable families.

Support Self-Reliance of Affected Households

  • Distribution of seeds and seedlings.
  • Provision of pesticides, fertilizers, and agricultural advice.

Future Strategy and Areas of Focus

Building on its experience in implementing emergency response and livelihood activities, Bonyan’s future projects will:

  • Leverage Local Resources: Utilize the fertile lands and skilled labor available in the region to reactivate the agricultural sector, targeting both farmers and non-farmers to maximize impact.
  • Expand Sustainable Projects: Develop projects that focus on manufacturing agricultural products and securing income for beneficiaries, promoting self-sufficiency.
  • Address Climate Change: Implement environmentally friendly methods to tackle climate change challenges, which affect soil quality, crop yields, and irrigation water.

Key Achievements

  • Provided food kits to a large number of beneficiaries.
  • Reached remote areas often overlooked by other humanitarian organizations through effective coordination.
  • Re-farmed neglected agricultural lands and supported vulnerable displaced individuals with bread during displacement waves.
  • Played a significant role in emergency food distribution during evacuation crises.


23 Projects
6,875,051 Beneficiaries
138,836 Received ready-to-eat meals to new displaced IDPs
127,649 Provisioned with meat portions during Eid Al-Adha
690,610 Benefited from distribution of food kits
50,000 Benefited from rehabilitation\restoration and establishment of furnaces and food security facilities
40,000 Benefited from flour suppliment to bakeries
60,000 Benefited from the suppliment and distribution of bread to most vulnerable families
6,478 Received seeds and seedlings
6,478 Received pesticides and fertilizers, and providing agriculture advice

Program Project


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