Refugee students

The Role of Teachers in Supporting Refugee Students


Best Way to Help Local Refugee

Assist Refugee with a Place to Housing Home is where people have their memories and their childhood; it is where a person feels safe and secure with their beloved ones. When a refugee leaves his home, he no longer has any other place to live.  Refugees are always facing the houseless in the world because […]


Social Mixing Activities for Refugees

Local Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees Local authorities are increasingly being charged with managing the economic and social inclusion of migrants and refugees amid ongoing mobility and displacement. Local governments create the physical and social environment where immigrants and refugees interact with locals, get services, and have the opportunity to participate in host economies and […]


Education in Refugee Camps

Refugee Education Facts At the primary level, the average gross enrolment rate for the year from March 2019 to March 2020 for reporting countries was 68 percent.  For the secondary level, the corresponding rate for reporting countries was 34 percent, illustrating that significant structural barriers remain for refugee learners to access post-primary education.  At the […]


Education And Constantly Crisis in Palestine

Education in Palestine grapples with pervasive challenges, impacting students and educators alike. From frequent city closures and security threats to a lack of funding hindering infrastructure development, the system faces adversity. Threats of school demolitions, access restrictions to higher education, and alarming dropout rates compound these difficulties. This article delves into the multifaceted nature of […]


Supporting Refugee Children

In the tumultuous midst of global crises and conflicts, an alarming number of families are thrust into the harsh reality of displacement, becoming refugees.  This growing crisis demands immediate attention, particularly in addressing the unique challenges faced by displaced children, whose well-being and development are significantly impacted.  In this article, we delve into the urgent […]


Supporting Refugee Students in Schools

Diversity is the heartbeat of today’s classrooms, where students bring a rich tapestry of cultures and life experiences. Within this mosaic, refugee students stand as resilient individuals with unique challenges and strengths. Navigating their educational journey requires a carefully curated mix of strategies to ensure a seamless integration into the academic fabric. This article serves […]
