Orphan sadaqah

Widows and Orphans in Refugee Camps

Eleven years into the war in Syria, the humanitarian crisis is worse than ever. More than 13 million Syrians have been affected by the ongoing war and persecution, and 6.2 million, including 2.5 million children, are now internally displaced. Widow Camps The brutal war in Syria has left thousands of families without men, leaving women […]


Helping the Orphans

There are a staggering number of orphan children worldwide. More than 140 million children are considered orphans by one definition or another. Sadly, there are orphan children who are even abandoned by the statistics! Who counts those who live on the streets, in landfills, and in sewer systems? Children become orphans of various causes, including […]


How to Give Sadaqah in Islam

Feeding the Poor Sharing food with any type of people is Sadaqah if you do it for the sake of Allah. Also, The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “What you feed yourself is Sadaqah for you. What you feed your child is Sadaqah for you. What you feed your wife is Sadaqah is for you. […]


Give Sadaqah for Illness

How to Give Sadaqah for Illness? The Prophet (saw) said, “Treat your sick ones with charity.” (Saheeh al-Jaami). It is good to give Sadaqah when a loved one falls ill to help cure disease and avert a sick fate. The Prophet (saw) also said that “Sadaqah appeases the Lord’s anger and averts an evil death.” […]


Types of Sadaqah Jariyah

Sponsoring an Orphan or Family Sadaqah Jariyah means “A continuous charity”. It is a long-term charity, and it is under the Islamic legal category of “Waqf”. It is one of the most rewarding Sadaqah. This Hadith shows us how much Sadaqah Jariyah is important: On the authority of Abu Hurairah (RA) that the Messenger of […]


Benefits of Lillah

Lillah Meaning Lillah is any form of charity given purely to please Allah (SWT). However, this charitable giving is provided entirely voluntarily and not like Zakat. “O you who believe, spend of the wealth We have bestowed upon you (in Allah’s way) before the Day comes when there shall be no buying and no selling; […]


Benefits of Sadaqah

Sadaqah Cures Illness and Prevents Death Sadaqah has many benefits in Islam. One of the benefits of Sadaqah is that it cures illness and prevents death. Once, our beloved Prophet said… “Treat your sick ones with charity.”  (Saheeh al-Jaami).   It is good to give Sadaqah when a loved one falls ill to help cure […]


Giving Sadaqah to the Family and Relatives

Giving Sadaqah to Family Members It is permission to give Sadaqah to your poor relatives or family members unless you do not inherit from them. Giving zakah to relatives who are entitled to it is better than giving it to those who are not your relatives because giving charity to relatives is both charity and […]


Orphan Sponsorship

  There are millions of children worldwide who have lost either one or both of their parents.  They often have no one to provide them with the basic necessities of life. There is Hadith for adopting orphan children…  I and the one who sponsors an orphan will be in Paradise like these two” – and […]
