Child Protection

Arej’s Journey Back to School 🎒📚


Amal: The Voiceless Victor 💡


Why Child Protection Programs Are Essential: An Overview of Child Abuse and Neglect

“Every child has the right to live free from violence, exploitation, and abuse,” this is what “The Convention on the Rights of the Child” states in every protocol worldwide. Child abuse and neglect are serious issues affecting millions yearly, causing physical, emotional, and psychological harm. Child protection programs play a crucial role in preventing and […]


The Top Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Child Protection Programs in Refugees Communities

Child protection programs in refugee communities face challenges such as a lack of resources, language barriers, cultural differences, trauma, and mental health needs. This article discusses the top challenges in implementing child protection programs in refugee communities and recommends some solutions for implementing these programs. Addressing Cultural and Linguistic Differences Refugees come from diverse cultural […]


Social Skills Development for Children with Down Syndrome

Children with Down syndrome often face special social challenges due to their cognitive and developmental differences.  While each child with Down syndrome is special and may have varying abilities, addressing their social needs early on can help them develop essential interpersonal skills. In this article, we will explore some of the social challenges children with […]


The Importance of Addressing the Suffering of Children

Children are considered one of the most vulnerable groups in society.  Thus, ensuring their safety and well-being must be a top priority, and they should have the opportunity to learn, play and grow without fear or suffering. Sadly, children are exposed to various forms of abuse, neglect, and exploitation daily, which can severely affect their […]


Help and Support Children With Special Needs

Millions of children with special needs face various risks, such as exposure to violence, abuse, exploitation, and lack of care, especially those in fragile developing countries. UNICEF reports that around a quarter of a billion children worldwide have some form of disability, all needing extra help and support to reach their full potential. This article […]


Factors that Affect Children’s Psychosocial and Social Well-Being

The psychosocial well-being of children plays an important role in their overall health and development.  Psychosocial well-being refers to a child’s emotional, social, and psychological state, including their ability to regulate emotions, develop healthy relationships, and adapt to different environments. In this article, we will explore some of the main factors that influence children’s psychosocial […]


Early Intervention for Children with Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. It is considered one of the most famous diseases worldwide, affecting approximately 1 in every 1,000 live births worldwide. Children with Down syndrome suffer from developmental delays, physical and cognitive challenges, and various associated health problems. Therefore, early intervention is crucial […]
