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Significance of qurbani in Islam

The Quran describes the animal sacrifice as follows: “It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah: it is your piety that reaches Him(22:37).

The following hadith also describes the importance of qurbani: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Qurbani than the sacrificing of animals.

The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Resurrection with its horns, hair, and hooves (to be weighed).

The Sacrifice will be accepted from him who completes his ablution and offers his prayer in full.” (Ibn Majah)

Basmala in Sacrificing

Qurbani is the ritual sacrifice of an animal as an act of worship of Allah. Muslims offer it after the Hajj pilgrimage (the religion of Islam’s Fifth Pillar of prayer) on the days of Eid al-Aḍḥa, the Feast of Sacrifice.

By saying ‘Bismillah Allahu Akbar,’ the animal is sacrificed. This is essential: the animal must be sacrificed immediately, without saying anything else.

If a person leaves an animal after saying Basmalah over it and goes on to sacrifice another animal, the Basmala must be repeated.

If many animals are to be sacrificed one after the other, ‘Bismillah Allahu Akbar’ must be recited for each one.

A Way of Showing Gratitude to Allah

For all Muslims, Qurbani is a way of showing gratitude to Allah (SWT) for his countless favors and blessings. A Qurbani might be a small animal like a goat or a part of a larger animal like a cow. Either will fulfill your obligation.

Allah (SWT) tells us in the Quran

He says:

As for the charitable offerings of camels and cattle at the Hajj-Pilgrimage, We have made the benefit of sacrificing them among the prescribed rituals and waymarks of Allah for you.

In them, there is much good for you. So mention the name of Allah over them as they stand in the ranks for sacrifice.

Then when they collapse upon their flanks, you may butcher their meat to eat of them yourselves — and to feed both the self-restrained needy and the suppliant poor.

Thus have We subjugated the sacrificial animals to feed you all so that you may all give thanks to Allah. Never shall any part of their flesh nor their blood reach Allah.

But rather, it is your devotion — inspired by the fear of Allah in you — that reaches Him. Therefore has He subjugated them to you, that you shall extol Allah, the Creator, for the blessing of faith to which He has guided you. So give glad tidings to those who excel in doing good (Surat Hajj, 22:36-37).

Looking After the Poor, Needy, and the Community

Donating Qurbani helps poor people and the people who are in need on Eid al Adha

Allah (SWT) said in Quran: 

“The animal offerings are among the rites decreed by GOD for your own good. You shall mention God’s name on them while they are standing in line. Once they are offered for sacrifice, you shall eat therefrom and feed the poor and the needy. This is why we subdued them for you, that you may show your appreciation.”

– Qu’ran 22:36

Celebration With the Ummah

Qurbani brings the entire Ummah together by sacrificing an animal during the Eid al-Adha festivities and sharing and distributing the meat to impoverished and needy families.

You are performing a sacred responsibility and assisting those in need by making a Qurbani donation.

Qurbani for the Ummah: Spread Joy This Eid al-Adha



What is the importance of Qurbani in Islam?

To honor the sacrifice that Ibrahim (AS) was prepared to make as he demonstrated the level of devotion and submission Allah (SWT) expects.

What Happens When You Give Qurbani?

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim (as). For every hair of the Qurbani you receive a reward from Allah (SWT)” (Tirmidhi).

What Does Qurbani Teach Us?

Qurbani teaches us to help needy and poor people.

Is Qurbani Mandatory in Islam?

Yes, Qurbani is obligatory in Islam.