
Zakat on Real Estate


Who Is Eligible for Zakat

Conditions that Make Zakat Obligatory Allah commanded us to give Zakat to people who deserve it.Zakat is not obligatory for all people. Some conditions should be in a Muslim to give Zakat, like: The bare minimum is approximately 2 kg of wheat flour, rice, or other staple foodstuffs per household member, including dependants, even if […]


Calculate Your Zakat on Property

Zakat Due on the Property Due to your property, you have to pay zakat every year for a property bought to sell in the future and earn capital gains. Zakat is not due on: Zakat on Land for Use It depends on how you are going to use the land: On the other hand, if […]


Benefits of Lillah

Lillah Meaning Lillah is any form of charity given purely to please Allah (SWT). However, this charitable giving is provided entirely voluntarily and not like Zakat. “O you who believe, spend of the wealth We have bestowed upon you (in Allah’s way) before the Day comes when there shall be no buying and no selling; […]


Zakat on Gold


Zakah on Cattle: Conditions and Rules 


Zakat of Grains and Fruits


Zakat on Minerals and Treasures

Definition of Minerals and Treasures In the early days of Islam, the word ‘Bayt mal al-Muslimin’, which means _the house of money _ or ‘Bayt mal-Allah’ was used to refer to the building or the place where the moveable public properties of the Islamic state were stored until these were disbursed for individual purposes, such […]


The Difference Between Sadaqah and Zakat
