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Islam is a guideline to a life best lived. By following Islamic laws, we will live to our best abilities and gain the pleasure and satisfaction of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala

We all make mistakes and fall short of fulfilling some of our duties and obligations, but this is not a one-way street.

We can always repent, ask Allah Almighty for forgiveness and do good to wipe these mistakes again. Islam gave us a way to fix what we did wrong and get things back to the way that pleases Allah Almighty. 

There are two methods set by Islamic law in which Muslims who have missed one of the religious obligations can repent and fix what they have done. 

  • One term is called (Qada), which refers to making up for missed obligations.
  • Another is called (Kaffara), which refers to expiating for actions considered sinful or transgressive.

Let me walk you through these two terms in Islamic law.

Obligatory Qada Fast and Kaffarah

First, It is important to note that Qada and Kaffarah are two different concepts in Islamic law, and they relate to different types of obligations and actions.

Fasting Ramadan – The Holly Month for Muslims – is an obligatory duty for every healthy adult Muslim. When a Muslim breaks a fasting day for no valid reason, he must repent and submit to its atonements, whether it’s Qada, Fidya, or Kaffara.

Suppose a Muslim break his fast for no valid reason like:

  1. Intentionally eating or drinking during fasting hours.
  2. Having intimate intercourse during fasting.
  3. Intentionally making oneself throw up.
  4. Planning or intending to deliberately miss fasts.

If he did any of the above, he must atone for it with Kaffara.

However, suppose a Muslim breaks his fast for valid reasons like eating or drinking intentionally due to sickness, menstruation, or post-child bleeding. In that case, they must atone for it with Qada fast.

Read MMore: All Types of kaffarah

The Meaning of Kaffarah

In Islam, the word “kaffarah” refers to a form of expiation or atonement for specific actions considered to be sins or offenses. It is a way for a person to seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty and to make amends for their actions.

In Islamic law, specific actions require a person to perform kaffarah to expiate their wrongdoing. These actions include:

  • Breaking an oath or promise. 
  • Engaging in certain prohibited behaviors during the Holly Month of Ramadan.
  • Intentionally killing someone.

The Role of Kaffarah

The role of kaffarah is to provide a means of seeking forgiveness and making amends for actions considered wrong or sinful in Islam.

The kaffarah of leaving out the fasting day of Ramadan is 

  • Free a slave (Back in the first days of Islam).
  • Fast for two months.
  • Feed sixty poor to their fill.
  • Or give one Mudd (about ¾ kg) of foodstuff, like wheat, barley, bread, etc., to each of them.

The Meaning of Qada

In Islamic jurisprudence, Qada literally means “fulfillment” or “completion.” It refers to making up for missed or incomplete obligations, such as missed prayers, fasting days, or other religious duties, due to some reason or other. 

It’s important to note that Qada is not intended to avoid or neglect one’s religious duties. Instead, it is a mechanism for fulfilling those duties when it is impossible to do so at the required time due to valid reasons.

The Role of Qada

The roles of Oada fasting days as follows:

  1. Make up your missed fast before the next month of Ramadan.
  2. A person who is unable to fast due to chronic disease is not required to perform qada but must offer fidyah.
  3. A person who finds it excessively difficult to fast on account of old age must offer fidyah and is not required to perform qada; however, if they [absolutely] cannot fast, no fidyah or qada arrequired.

Both kaffarah and fidya are forms of charitable giving that can be used to help those in need, including refugees.

Many Islamic charities and organizations accept donations of kaffarah and fidya, which they use to assist refugees and other disadvantaged groups. 

If you are interested in donating your kaffarah or fidya to refugees. In that case, you may contact your local Masjid or Islamic community center or be able to find a suitable charity or organization through online searches like Bonyan Organization which best uses these donations to assist refugees.

Donate for Kaffarah

Kaffara for Gaza: Nourish Souls, Heal Hearts

Fidya Campaign Image

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What is kaffarah?

In Islam, the word kaffarah refers to a form of expiation or atonement for specific actions considered to be sins or offenses. It is a way for a person to seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty and to make amends for their actions.

What is Qada in Ramadan?

Qada in Ramadan means those people who miss fast days in Ramadan for valid temporary reasons, like sickness, traveling, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or women during periods; they must have fast days after Ramadan in place of the ones they missed fasting.

Is Fidya and Kaffarah the Same?

Fidya is paid by someone who is unable to fast due to valid reasons. Kaffarah is paid by someone who breaks their fast without a valid reason.

What is the Difference Between Qada and kaffarah?

Qada refers to making up for missed obligations. Kaffara refers to expiating for actions considered sinful or transgressive.