Stand against Oppression in Palestine Urgent Humanitarian Relief Needed

Stand against Oppression in Palestine: Urgent Humanitarian Relief

Immediate Aid and Unwavering Compassion

As we witness the heart-wrenching events unfold in Palestine, with Israel on the verge of invading the Gaza Strip, our brothers and sisters face an intensified humanitarian crisis.  A crisis that is not new but is about to take an even more devastating turn.

Stand against Oppression in Palestine: Urgent Humanitarian Relief

With the recent declaration of war and ongoing blockades, Palestinians in areas like Gaza confront daunting challenges, from immediate threats of violence to prolonged shortages of basic necessities such as food, water, and healthcare.

Navigating the complexities on the ground:

Amid the recent declaration of war and persistent blockades, the inhabitants of areas like Gaza face not just the immediate threats of conflict but also the dire repercussions of fuel shortages, affecting hospitals and water pumps. 

Stand against Oppression in Palestine: Urgent Humanitarian Relief
  • Fuel Shortages: The scarcity of fuel severely impacts hospitals and water pumps, hindering their operation.
  • Restricted Movement: Ongoing blockades impede the transportation of essential supplies.
  • Infrastructure Strain: The current infrastructure, especially hospitals, faces immense pressure due to the influx of casualties and limited resources.

Since October 7th, 2023, Israeli forces have been attacking Gaza with fighter jets, destroying entire building complexes!

Many people are left homeless and even killed. 

Beyond the immediate threat of violence, they grapple with shortages of food, clean water, medical supplies, and essential amenities.

Your involvement can make a tangible difference:

We aim to raise $500,000 USD to provide immediate and long-term relief to the Palestinians. These funds will address:

Stand against Oppression in Palestine: Urgent Humanitarian Relief

Your support can be transformative:

  • Donate: Every contribution, regardless of its size, helps address these critical needs.
  • Spread the Word: Use your voice. Share this campaign across platforms, with friends, and within your communities.
  • Partnerships: Organizations and groups can amplify the impact by partnering with us for on-ground operations.
  • Stay Informed: Stay updated on the evolving situation in Palestine and the multifaceted challenges the inhabitants face.
Stand against Oppression in Palestine: Urgent Humanitarian Relief

About Bonyan

Bonyan is an independent, non-governmental, and non-profit organization dedicated to building human capacity and rehabilitating war-torn communities across the Middle East.

Established in 2014, Bonyan is licensed and authorized in two countries – Turkey and Spain. Our commitment to education, protection, WASH programs, early recovery, social empowerment, and integration has made a tangible impact on those affected by conflict.

We believe in working with local communities, partners, and stakeholders to achieve shared goals and create lasting change. Learn More About Bonyan….

Integrity is at the forefront of our mission. Be assured that each contribution will be directed to the areas of utmost need. We are in alliance with credible NGOs and dedicated volunteers in Palestine, ensuring efficient and effective distribution of aid.