Millions of children with special needs face various risks, such as exposure to violence, abuse, exploitation, and lack of care, especially those in fragile developing countries. UNICEF reports that around a quarter of a billion children worldwide have some form of disability, all needing extra help and support to reach their full potential. This article […]
The psychosocial well-being of children plays an important role in their overall health and development. Psychosocial well-being refers to a child’s emotional, social, and psychological state, including their ability to regulate emotions, develop healthy relationships, and adapt to different environments. In this article, we will explore some of the main factors that influence children’s psychosocial […]
Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. It is considered one of the most famous diseases worldwide, affecting approximately 1 in every 1,000 live births worldwide. Children with Down syndrome suffer from developmental delays, physical and cognitive challenges, and various associated health problems. Therefore, early intervention is crucial […]
In a world that celebrates diversity and inclusivity, it’s essential to shine a light on the unique journeys of children with Down syndrome. Down syndrome, a genetic condition that affects approximately 1 in 700 births, is a testament to the resilience and beauty of human differences. This article delves into the lives of these remarkable […]
Psychological and social support is indeed one of the key types of support for refugee children. Providing refugee children with such support helps them develop the necessary coping mechanisms to deal with their traumatic experiences. It can also help them develop the necessary skills to regulate their emotions, build resilience, develop positive relationships, and improve […]
Hundreds of thousands of refugee children are suffering from many physical and psychological problems. Such problems were inflicted upon them due to the hardships of displacement and seeking refuge. Due to such issues, those children are now suffering from many harmful effects, including developmental delays, behavioral issues, PTSD, anxiety, as well as chronic diseases. This […]
Refugee students now face several mental health issues that they experienced prior to their resettlement and immigration. Such traumatic experiences have affected their academic as well as their behavioral conduct. As a result, Bonyan Organization works on funding the necessary initiatives in order to improve the mental health of those students. This article sheds light […]
Xenophobia is defined as the fear of strangers; it is a broad term that may be applied to any fear of someone different from an individual. Definition of Xenophobia Xenophobia is usually rooted in the perception that members of the outgroup are foreign to the ingroup community. Hostility towards outsiders is often a reaction to […]
Trauma happens when people are subjected to racism, discrimination, microaggressions, or other forms of mistreatment or violence because of their racial background. Defining Racial Trauma And that leads to the definition of racial trauma, also known as race-based traumatic stress, which is the set of consequences that occur when a person of color deals with […]