Winter Shelter & Heating

961 x 515
Infaque Iframe

As temperatures plummet, many families struggle to stay warm. For refugees and displaced people living in tents and temporary shelters, the winter cold can be life-threatening. You can help provide the warmth and comfort they need to survive the harsh conditions.

Your support provides:

  1. Life-saving warmth: Protects against hypothermia and cold-related illnesses.
  2. Safe shelter: Offers a refuge from the elements and a place to rest.
  3. Improved health: Reduces the risk of respiratory infections and other health problems.
  4. Hope and dignity: Creates a sense of normalcy and comfort in difficult circumstances.

Giving Levels

Heating Essentials Package – $60:

Supplies 50 liters of heating fuel for a family, helping them stay warm during the coldest months. Ideal for supporting one household’s heating needs.

Warm Shelter Package – $150:

Provides two blankets and a mattress for a family. Ensures better sleeping conditions during the cold season.

Heating and Fuel Support – $200:

Provides 150 kilograms of heating coal for a family. Sufficient for keeping a household warm for an extended period.

Community Warmth Initiative – $1,000:

Supports the installation of a heating stove for a community center serving multiple families.

Donate today and help us protect vulnerable families from the cold.

Infaque Iframe