Urgent Relief for Sudanese Refugees

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The conflict in Sudan has unleashed a humanitarian crisis of staggering proportions. Millions have been forced to flee their homes, seeking refuge in overcrowded camps or neighboring countries.

Their lives have been shattered by violence, displacement, and loss. Children are suffering from malnutrition and disease, families have been torn apart, and the hope for a peaceful future seems distant. But your compassion and generosity can make a difference.

Bonyan’s Lifeline of Hope

Bonyan is on the ground in Sudan and neighboring countries, providing lifesaving aid to those who have lost everything. Your donation will directly support:

  • Emergency Food: Delivering nutritious meals and food parcels to prevent starvation.
  • Shelter and Safety: Providing tents, blankets, and mattresses for families displaced by violence.
  • Clean Water: Ensuring access to safe drinking water to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Medical Care: Supplying essential medicines and supporting health clinics in refugee camps.
  • Hope for the Future: Offering psychosocial support and educational programs for children.
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Your Impact: Every Dollar Counts

$5: Provides a hot meal for one individual.
$50: Provides a family with a large food parcel, ensuring their basic nutritional needs are met.
$75: Supports a woman and child with essential items including milk, diapers/nappies, towels, shampoo, soap, and a toothbrush.
$70: Provides a blanket and mattress for an individual, offering warmth and comfort.
$100: Funds the distribution of 22,000 liters of water, reaching 50 families (250 individuals).
$250: Provides a family with a tent, offering a safe and dignified living space.

Together, We Can Rebuild Lives

Join us in this urgent mission to provide relief, restore hope, and empower Sudanese refugees to rebuild their lives. Your generosity can make a world of difference.