In Ramadan, the month of mercy and forgiveness, some may be unable to fast due to valid reasons. To compensate for this, Allah has ordained the payment of fidya.
What is Fidya for Missed Fasts and How Does it Differ from Kaffarah?
Fidya for missed fasts is an obligation for a Muslim who is unable to fast due to valid reasons such as old age, chronic illness, or pregnancy/breastfeeding (under certain conditions). It is fulfilled by feeding a needy person for each day missed.
Fidya differs from Kaffarah in that Kaffarah is an obligation for those who break their fast during Ramadan without a valid excuse. Kaffarah involves different forms of atonement, including feeding the needy, fasting consecutively, or (historically) freeing a slave. Fidya is specifically for those with legitimate reasons for not fasting and focuses solely on feeding the needy.
Who is Obligated to Pay Fidya for Missed Fasts?
Fidya for missed fasts is obligatory for every Muslim who is genuinely unable to fast during Ramadan due to:
- Old Age: When fasting becomes excessively difficult due to advanced age.
- Chronic Illness: When a medical condition prevents fasting and is expected to continue.
- Pregnancy/Breastfeeding: When fasting poses a risk to the mother or child (with specific conditions and rulings to be consulted with a religious scholar).
The Amount of Fidya for Missed Fasts
For each missed fast, one must feed a needy person with half a Sa’ (approximately 1.5 kilograms) of staple food, such as dates or the common food of the local community. This fidya can be fulfilled with a donation (the monetary equivalent of feeding one person for a day).
How to Pay Fidya for Missed Fasts
- Donating to Bonyan: Donate the required amount (the monetary equivalent of feeding one person per missed day) directly to us. We will use your donation to purchase and distribute staple food items to impoverished individuals and families in need.
- Provide food directly: If you prefer to fulfill the fidya yourself, you can purchase food and distribute it to the needy in your area.
Is it Permissible to Pay Fidya in Cash?
While the core requirement of fidya is to feed the needy, many scholars permit the payment of its monetary equivalent as it facilitates the process. This allows charitable organizations to efficiently purchase and distribute food to those in need.
It is generally accepted to pay fidya through trusted organizations who will ensure the food reaches those who need it.