Best charity to donate to syria

Understanding the Challenges Faced by Syrian Refugees

The ongoing Syrian refugee crisis is one of the most devastating humanitarian disasters in recent history. Over ten years, more than 6.6 million Syrians have been forced to flee their country due to conflict and displacement, with 5.5 million seeking refuge in countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt. Unfortunately, life for these […]


Refugee Camps in Lebanon

Syrian Refugees in Numbers in Lebanon Lebanon is hosting the most significant number of refugees per capita and square kilometers worldwide, with the government estimating 1.5 million Syrian refugees and some 13,715 refugees of other nationalities. More than half the Lebanese population is estimated to live below the poverty line. For refugees, nine out of […]


Donate Clothes to Syria

In the midst of a protracted conflict, Syrian refugees find themselves in dire need of clothing to navigate the harsh realities of displacement. The repercussions of the ongoing crisis have left many without essential items, highlighting the critical importance of external support. This article delves into the pressing demand for warm clothing, blankets, and basic […]


Where Your Donation Goes

Bonyan Does Not Waste Your Money Our Prophet (SAW) once said: “Allah loves that whenever any of you does something, he should excel in it.”. Since Bonyan was created, we have been keen on giving all our energy to people who deserve it; in this way, we are working hard to deliver your donations to […]


Reasons to Give to Charity

In a world teeming with challenges and disparities, the act of giving to charity emerges as a powerful catalyst for positive change. Beyond the altruistic satisfaction it brings, supporting charitable causes has far-reaching impacts that extend beyond the immediate act of generosity. This article delves into six compelling reasons why contributing to charitable endeavors is […]
