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There are millions of children worldwide who have lost either one or both of their parents. 

They often have no one to provide them with the basic necessities of life.

There is Hadith for adopting orphan children… 

I and the one who sponsors an orphan will be in Paradise like these two” – and he gestured with his forefinger and middle finger, holding them close together. [Bukhari]

The Annual Orphan Sponsorship

Sponsoring an orphan annually could be done by some organizations, it is an annual payment for adopting the orphan.

Annual adoption provides:

  • Food. 
  • Shelter.
  • Clothes. 
  • Healthcare.
  • Learning materials.
    The Annual Orphan Sponsorship

The Monthly Orphan Sponsorship

Monthly sponsorship provides the annual refers, but the difference is paid. 

You can make a monthly sponsorship by contacting some organizations with this section in their system.

Sponsoring an orphan in Islam is good, our beloved Prophet Mohammad said;

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘The best house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are well-treated. The worst house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are ill-treated’. [Bukhari].

We have to be careful when we sponsor an orphan because there is a difference between sponsoring and adopting an orphan.

Adopting orphans in Islam has Permissible and Forbidden types:

  1. The forbidden is to make the adoptive child a member of the family by birth and be subject to the rulings on children.

“…nor has He made your adopted sons your real sons…” [al-Ahzab 33:4]

  1. The permissible is being kind to the adopted child, giving them a decent life, and teaching them about Islam.
    Sponsor an Orphan in Islam

Orphan Family Support

In the world’s poorest areas, orphaned children are perhaps the most vulnerable population in marginalized communities. These children, who often reside in countries marred by war, violence, and excessive poverty, are at expressed risk of trauma-related disorders and numerous other obstacles across all aspects of livelihood.

The children in Palestine born during the ongoing conflict know only war.

The threat of violence, poverty, and destruction has hung over their heads from their very first breath.

The 2014 conflict in Gaza claimed the lives of over 500 children, severely injuring more than 3,000 and leaving behind over 1,500 orphans.

Many of those children are waiting for people like you to sponsor them and give them the new life they need.

During the long timing conflict in Syria, many children lost their families. In Northern Syria, There are around 1.2 million orphans in the province of Idlib who need a huge amount of support.

There are over 1.1 million orphans in Yemen; most are alone, hungry, and homeless, left to fend for themselves in a war, and they are forced to grow up without the warm embrace of a mother or father.

What’s worse, these kids in Yemen are at risk, exposed to exploitation and abuse.

Zakat for Orphan Sponsorship

Sponsoring orphans counts as Zakat because sponsoring an orphan is one of the eight categories as set out in the Qur’an under the guidelines for acceptable Zakat beneficiaries.


How Much Does a Sponsorship Cost?

The cost of care depends on the country, region, and organization you want to sponsor through.

Can I Send Gifts to My Sponsored Child?

Yes. You can Send Gifts to your Sponsored Child

What is Sponsoring an Orphan?

When a person takes a responsibility to raise a child or young adult because their biological parents are no longer with them for one reason or another. 

How Do I Get Sponsors for My Orphanage?

By letting people know how much is essential to sponsor an orphan.

Can I Adopt an Orphan From Palestine?

Yes. You can Adopt an Orphan From Palestine

Where Can I Donate to Support Palestine?

By reaching out to organizations in Palestine and giving your donations to them.

Which Charity is Best for Palestine?

You can give charity by giving money to organizations based in Palestine.