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Kaffarah in Islam

Expiation, known as Kaffarh in Islam, is a part of Islamic law that provides an opportunity to recompense for individuals who deliberately miss or break a fast during Ramadan without a valid reason. 

Types of Kaffara

Kaffara is paid when a Muslim breaks a fast day without a valid reason. And there are many types of Kaffara;

  • Kaffara of Fasting.
  • Kaffara of Oath.
  •  Unintentional murder and semi-unintentional murder.

Kaffarah for Breaking Fast

To atone for the intentionally missed or invalidated fast, a Muslim must fast continuously for 60 days. If they cannot do so, they should feed 60 poor people

The Hanafi School, it holds the view that Kaffarah is due once for every Ramadan in which fasts were deliberatively missed or invalidated, not for each fast missed. 

Kaffarah for Breaking an Oath

Breaking an oath in Islam is forbidden. However, when a Muslim breaks an oath, they must ask for forgiveness and make up for this sin by feeding or clothing 10 poor people. If the Muslims cannot do so, they are required to fast for three days. 

Kaffarah for Breaking an Oath

Kaffarah of Hajj

One of Islam laws is the Ihram restrictions in Hajj. Any Muslim who violates those restrictions must pay Kaffarah. Ihram restrictions in Hajj are;

  • Wearing the sewn dress.
  • Killing animals and other living creatures.
  • Intercourse. 

A Muslim must pay Kaffarh by feeding 60 people or fasting for three days in this situation.  

Unintentional Murder and Semi-Unintentional Murder

In Islamic law, if a Muslim committed unintentional murder, they must release an enslaved person (back in the old days of Islam), fast for two consecutive months, and pay Diya unless the murderer’s family forgives him.

Kaffarah of Hajj

Difference Between Fidya and Kaffarah

Fidya is only paid when a Muslim misses a fast but has a valid reason to do so. And the payment for each missed fast day is equivalent to feeding one person.

However, Kaffarah is paid when a Muslim deliberately misses or breaks a fast without a valid reason. And the amount paid in Kaffarah for each missed fast is the equivalent of feeding 60 people.

Kaffarah calculator and Payment

Suppose a Muslim has missed any fasting days during the holy month of Ramadan unnecessarily.

In that case, they are required to pay kaffarah, an obligatory penalty equivalent to feeding 60 people.

And Muslims can pay Kaffarah at any time throughout the year.

How much is Kaffarah for Ramadan 2023

According to Islamic guidelines, if a person misses a day of fasting unnecessarily, they should either fast for 60 consecutive days or feed 60 underprivileged people per day.

The estimated cost is $10 per person for 60 people, which equals $600 a day for each missed or broken-fast day.

Donate for Kaffarah and Fidya

Kaffara for Gaza: Nourish Souls, Heal Hearts

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Fulfill Your Fidya: Support the Fasting in Gaza

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What is Meant by Kaffarah in Islam?

Kaffarh in Islam is a part of Islamic law that provides an opportunity to repay for individuals who deliberately miss or break a fast during Ramadan without a valid reason.

How much is Kaffarah?

For every day of missed fasting, one has to pay the value of approximately 2kg of wheat. Or the estimated cost to give a decent meal for 60 adult people.

How Many Kaffarah Are There?

Kaffarah of Fasting, Kaffarah of Oath, and Kaffarah of unintentional murder and semi-unintentional murder.

How Do You Give Kaffarah?

You give Kaffarah by fasting for 60 consecutive days or paying the equivalent amount of feeding 60 people.

How Many Types of Oaths Are There in Islam?

There are three types of Oath in Islam; The Idle Oath, The Right is Held Oath and The Oath of Ghous.